“Designing solutions using process, choice, and time”
Critical Thinking
Tools List
Project Process
Take a screen shot of the Tools List Part 1 when completed and save to your Project Folder as Tools_List_pt1 _Month_Date
Example - Tools_List_pt1 _04_09
Take a screen shot of the Tools List Part 2 when completed and save to your Project Folder as Tools_List_pt2 _Month_Date
Example - Tools_List_pt2 _04_09
Take a screen shot of the Tools List Part 3 when completed and save to your Project Folder as Tools_List_pt3 _Month_Date
Example - Tools_List_pt3 _04_09
*****Combine the pictures/SCREEN SHOTS of each part into a single word processing document and submit as a PDF for evaluation to the online classroom*****