Use a timeline tool of your choice and create a timeline of your progress in solving your TIP projects.
TIPLAB Project Planning/Evaluation Using a Timeline Tool - Example Instructions
I can use a timeline tool to keep track of my progress of the TIPs I create and the products I create as I work through my TIP...
Click on the timeline picture to get to a sample timeline application. Remember you can use a different timeline tool if you want.
Enter Your Name and for the Project Title enter TIPLAB Timeline - Click Start
Click on the timeline to enter your 1st TIP where is says Label in the pop up window.
Were it says Short Description enter the date you completed the TIP Template.
Take a snap shot of your TIP Template (use the snipping tool for example) and save it to your TIPLAB folder.
In the timeline window click on the Choose Image button and select the screen shot of you TIP you saved to your folder. Click the check mark in the timeline window.
Click on the timeline again and enter the 1st product you created for your TIP follow the same steps above to add a label, date, and picture.
Click on the timeline and continue to enter other products you created.
When you create a new TIP, click on the timeline and enter the new TIP. Also, enter any products you have created for the new TIP.
When you have finished entering information into your timeline for the class period, Click the save button at the top of the timeline window, and save your timeline to your TIPLAB folder. DO NOT CLICK ON THE FINISH BUTTON. The saved file should end with .rwt
To OPEN and edit your timeline after you save it to your folder open the timeline tool first , click on the open button at the top of the timeline window, find your timeline file in your TIPLAB folder. The timeline file will have a .rwt file extension. If you rename your file make sure the file ends with .rwt
When you have finished with your edits for the class period Click the save button at the top of the timeline window and save your timeline to your TIPLAB folder. DO NOT CLICK ON THE FINISH BUTTON. The saved file should end with .rwt
Click on the finish button when your teacher tells you to turn in your final timeline for an evaluation.