“Designing solutions using process, choice, and time”
Critical Thinking
Project Process
I can create a digital portfolio of the products I create.
The time to start working on your Portfolio is now. As you finish parts of your technology integrated projects (TIPs) add them to your portfolio. At the end of the project development you will need to present your portfolio to the team. Instead of rushing to put together your portfolio at the end of the project work on it throughout the development of your project.
The Digital Portfolio needs a Title Page/Slide/Webpage.
The Digital Portfolio needs a Page/Slide/Webpage for each TIP that you created, and include a summary of the key products you needed to create to solve the problem.
The Digital Portfolio needs a Page/Slide/Webpage for each of the products that you created to solve the TIP problem.
The Digital Portfolio needs a Page/Slide/Webpage explaining the importance of daily time management.
The Digital Portfolio needs a Page/Slide/Webpage that includes an overall timeline of the TIPs you worked on and the products you developed.
Create a portfolio as you progress through solving your TIP projects.