In this class, Team members will become familiar with technology, and proficient using technology to work through project based lessons.


USB Thumb Drive

Optional - Low Tech “HACK PROOF” Journal - Small paper notebook, select a size that works best for you.



When the bell rings you should be seated and ready to begin.


Put backpacks in assigned area and sit in your assigned seat.


There in no eating or drinking near the computers/technology located in the class. You may eat healthy snacks in a space determined by the instructor provided that you throw away your trash. Examples of healthy snacks are apples, bananas, carrots, and celery,  You may not eat anything that leaves crumbs. You may also drink water but must keep the bottle in the designated area (no sodas). There is absolutely no gum chewing in this class.


You need permission to go to the bathroom. Why? for example, if there is a fire drill I need to know where you are. To go to the bathroom you need to sign out on the designated sign out sheet. Only one person is allowed to go to the bathroom at a time.


Remember the main focus: Be the firewall, be the filter, make it your choice! Technology permeates our society and can be a tremendous tool or a great distraction. In this class we will use technology every day. We will use technology to learn, collaborate, solve problems, and create. During this process your responsibility will be to stay focused and not to be distracted by the technology. Be the firewall, be the filter, make it your choice! Learn to set limits. As a teacher I will remind you of this concept should you become distracted from learning. I want to help you understand that learning is fun, and that technology can enhance this experience. We all get distracted from time to time. The trick is to recognize that this distraction is normal, then get ourselves back on track, so we don’t fall behind, lose focus, and make mistakes. - Mr. L

Be the firewall, and the filter in this class, means to incorporate the following limits/rules:

  • In class, you are not to use streaming video sites for entertainment (youTube, Google Video, etc.). Any videos that you view in class need to relate to the lessons being covered in class and have an educational purpose associated with them. Viewing entertainment videos will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment.
  • In class, you are not allowed to go to game web sites for entertainment purposes (Warcraft, Halo, Yahoo Games, etc). Games played in class need to relate to the curriculum. Playing entertainment games during class time will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment.
  • In class, all social media activity must relate to the technology curriculum, school or team related curriculum. You are not allowed to go to social networking web sites for personal reasons. Going to these sites for personal reasons will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment.
  • In class, you are not allowed to download any software that is not instructor approved. Downloading software that is not approved by the instructor will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment. 
  • In class, all emailing activity must relate to the technology curriculum, school or team related curriculum. You are not allowed to email for personal reasons. Emailing for personal reasons will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment.
  • In class, you may not enter into any computer chats without the permission of the instructor. Chats conducted in class need to be related to the curriculum and be conducted on sites approved by the instructor. Computer chatting without the approval of the instructor will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment.
  • When searching the Internet In class, the following rules apply:
  • You need to stay focused on the assignment(s) and not go to other web sites.
  • If you find yourself on a web site that contains inappropriate materials you need to exit the site immediately.
  • If you find a good site that answers the question completely and contains other good information spend some time seeing what else you can learn and share your discovery. What can you do with the answers?
  • Do not give out any personal information. Exit any web sites that asks for personal information.
  • Not following these rules will result in you completing a technology with personal responsibility assessment.
  • You must adhere to all of the rules of the school and the class syllabus.
  • Be the firewall, be the filter, make it your choice! Know how to set limits!



If you break the limits/rules of the class or school you will need to answer the following questions in order to continue to use technology in class. Calls to you Parents/Guardian’s may occur at any time. On the third infraction of breaking any of the limits/rules you will be assigned ASD. Further infractions may result in referrals to administrators and calls to you Parents/Guardian’s Click here for a PDF of the following questions. 

  • What were you doing? _________________________________________
  • What are the limits/rules? ______________________________________
  • What assignment are you working on? __________________________
  • Do you need directions on what to do next? _____________________
  • What is your plan of action so this doesn’t happen again? _________
  • Directions given by Mr. L ______________________________________
  • What is your Parent/Guardian’s phone number?  _________________
  • What is your Parent/Guardian’s e-mail address?  _________________
  • What is today’s date? _________________________________________
  • Print your Name ________________________Sign your Name _______
  • ASD Assigned        NO ___ YES ___________   Date for ASD _______
  • Parent Contacted  NO ___ YES _________   Date __________ Phone ____ E-Mail _____________
  • Referral     NO ___ YES ___________    Date ___________ Grade _________




Many assignments will be given a point value based upon a scoring rubric. The rubric explains in detail the score you will get when certain criteria are met. Different assignments have different criteria and thus different points. Some assignments will not have a rubric and instructions will be given by the instructor as to how the assignment will be assessed.


Most assignments must be accompanied with a self evaluated before you turn them in to be graded. You will need to fill out a self evaluation form to express how well you feel you did on a particular assignment. To do this effectively you will need to compare what you did, to the scoring rubric for the particular assignment. Give yourself a score based upon the point value of the rubric. If the rubric is on a 5 point scale you will self evaluate the assignment 1 through 5 on your self evaluation form.


When you turn in an assignment that has a scoring rubric you must also include a copy of the scoring rubric. Go to the Assessments Page and print out the scoring rubric for the assignment you completed. When you staple your papers together the scoring rubric is always the last page.


When you turn in your assignment be sure to include a cover page. Your cover page should include:

The title of the assignment

Your name

Class hour

The date

Picture (optional)


Assignments are due when they are finished and are to be turned in on the due date given by the instructor. Target dates will be used as a guide for those less motivated. When you finish one assignment you go right on to the next. If you show drive and initiative in many cases you will be allowed to choose your next step (assignment). You can be in charge of your own education to an extent. That is some of the power this web sight provides. When you are finished with an assignment, the self evaluation, scoring rubric (last page) and all other papers need to be stapled together. Don't forget to include a cover page. Then submit your finished assignment to the teacher. Place your work in the teachers hand to verify that the work was turned in.



You may be required to complete a set number of points each week.  If you fail to get the minimum number of points for the week you may be asked to do homework assignments to increase your point total. If this still results in a failing grade it may be necessary to have you complete some offline assignments.


The cut off day for the submission of late assignments will be determined towards the end of each marking period. At which time all late assignments will be due.


If you have access to the internet during your absence check the class website. If you do not have internet access. When you return check the class web page to see what you have missed.

To make up lost computer time it may be necessary for you to come in when there is an open lab or use the library computers.

It is your responsibility to get the assignments finished.


From time to time it will be necessary to give you a test to check your understanding of concepts we have covered in class. These tests will be worth between 25 to 100 points each. Check the assessment page to link to sample test questions for various topics.


Ask questions to clarify concepts you don't understand

Study before you take a test.

If you fail a test or you receive a grade you are unhappy with take a make-up test.  The make-up test must be made up within one week of getting the 1st test back. You are only allowed to take two make-up tests per quarter.

Redo assignments to practice concepts. 


If you are failing the class or your classroom behavior is not acceptable an effort to contact your parent/guardian will be made.

You will be warned of your situation and given an opportunity to remedy the situation. If you chose not to remedy the situation then your parent/guardian will be called.



© 1993 - 2025 - Richard Lehmann - #administrator #manager #director #designer #producer  #Tiphour