Richard W. Lehmann
Richard Lehmann - Over twenty-five years experience leading individuals in design thinking, encouraging growth mindsets, individual expression and personal choice. Inspiring people to embrace and embed technology into learning and professional practice.
• 2nd Master’s degree in Administration
• 1st Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction - Emphasis in Instructional Media.
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RL - “Think, Act, Reflect”
Designer and developer of the Tiphour Thinker-Space. A dynamic, differentiated, personalized learning site for project development and technology integration. The Tiphour Thinker-Space is based on the concepts of Constructivism, Flipped Instruction, and Gamification. The Tiphour Thinker-Space is a pedagogical shift not a complicated install. The main focus is for people to construct learning through project based inquiry, critical thinking, and personal choices. “Think, Act, Reflect” - RL
Disclaimer - This website is for entertainment only and may not be totally accurate. Some pages include links to other web sights that are not directly related to the technology curriculum. I do my best to screen all links and select only those I designate "kidsafe" and appropriate. However, since I do not operate or control the content found on such third-party sites, I am not always aware when this content changes. If you discover a third-party link that contains inappropriate information, please contact me immediately. Resources not created solely by me are linked back to it’s source to give credit to the creator. If you are the author of content and wish to break a link to this site please contact - Richard W. Lehmann
Personal Artistic Expression
R. W. Lehmann Fine Art
R. W. Lehmann Photography
R. W. Lehmann Audio Files
First Symptom Track 01
First Symptom Track 05
First Symptom Track 09
First Symptom Track 10
First Symptom Track 14
Flute and Birds
Guitar Comp 02
Guitar Comp 04
Night Train
MMR Train Rain